TANTRIC HEALING YOGA and WHITE TANTRIC HEALING: To schedule a White Tantric/ Buddhist Energy Healing email me: whitetantrahealing@gmail.com "What Grace is given me, let it pass to you." SAT NAM !
Friday, May 16, 2008
Check out my website: http://www.kathrynstouch.com
Dakini Kathryn is a Certified Tantric Practitioner and Educator, Blissful Bodywork Practitioner. She is a lifelong spiritual seeker with many natural gifts. She has formally trained in energy and aura manipulation, Kundalini awakening, Tantric healing, Medicine Buddha empowerment, massage therapy and Reiki. By utilizing multiple disciplines she manipulates energy for the highest good.
The Dakini Kathryn brings together many modalities to create a unique session. With a background in tantra, kundalini yoga, meditation, qi gong medicine, energy work, and relationship coaching, she uses the type of healing/education needed for each Seeker. Her tantra training and initiations were a process over several years, including studies in India, to gain all of the experience needed to teach others tantra practices. Her practice is of a spiritual base for those wanting to open up to a higher, enlightened state. She enjoys working with those interested in using tantric practices to create kundalini awakening, and a deeper connection to their partner. She is of a nurturing and joyful nature with peaceful a warrior view.
The image of the dakini Vajrayogini with her lithe, brilliant-red naked body, bone adornments and halo of flames has caught the imagination of Indo-Tibetan Buddhists down the centuries. The Highest Yoga Tantra practice of Vajrayogini seems to be one of the most popular in Tibetan Buddhist circles.