Sunday, December 2, 2007

Tantra and "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle

“I saw a new heaven and a new earth... ” [Book of Revelations 21:1]

This Biblical prophecy speaks of the beginning of a new era for humanity and the planet Earth. “A New Heaven” is not a new location. It is referring to an inner transformation of human consciousness. This new state of consciousness is the ability to be fully aware of our connection to every person and thing in the world and our essential Spirit as the eternal, intelligent, and loving One-Life orchestrating the universe.

“A New Earth” is the outer reflection of this transformation in the actions we take in living our Purpose and our interactions with others and the environment. This will result in harmonious interpersonal, community, and business relationships, as well as large scale economic & government systems. The speed and number of people undergoing this transformation is increasing every day. As the light of the new consciousness grows brighter it naturally and effortlessly dissolves the darkness of the old unconsciousness.

Thousands of years ago, at some point in human evolution, our thinking mind went from being a useful tool for categorizing things and problem solving to literally taking on “a mind of its own”. This part of our mind took on its own identity as an independent phantom self called the ego. The ego proclaimed itself as “I” or “me” and was now separate from the One-Life and the things & events happening around it which it now called “my life”. The ego builds and maintains its identity by claiming beliefs, experiences, societal roles, emotional reactions, and objects as “mine” and then creating “my story of who I am”. All physical and mental objects exist in the realm of birth, constant change, and death. The ego is precariously founded on things that will eventually dissolve and die. It is never content or at peace because at some level it knows it will die and is fearful of this future event that it cannot control. It tries to avoid these feelings by compulsively wanting and seeking more status, unnecessary objects, and self-centered achievements. Most people are completely trapped in the ego and are unaware of the effects of their obsessive and endless wanting of more. This has resulted in cruel, abusive, and short-sighted exploitation of people and the earth’s
natural resources. Often perpetrated by individuals caught up in the Collective ego of their tribe, nation, or corporation. This magnifies the compulsive and self-destructive behavior of the ego which would be defined by any psychiatrist as being insane.

The Awakening of consciousness is the growing awareness that I am not the phantom ego self. It is the process of recognizing that who I really am is the background awareness that is aware of the ego, thoughts, objects, and things happening in the foreground. This shift in consciousness & perspective reveals that we are always one with all people, the world, and the eternal One-Life behind everything. We are already whole and complete. Feelings of joy, love, peace, and aliveness are always here as part of our natural state of being. There is no longer a feeling of lack, dissatisfaction, and fear of death. Awakening and staying awake is the shared purpose of every human being.

This evolutionary step is our inner purpose and is the most important thing that can happen to and through a human being. Then what we do in the world, our outer purpose, is revealed to us and lived out through us. Harmonious actions, relationships, communities, and business practices set the foundation for balanced, sustainable, and abundant economic and government systems. The awakened state of consciousness is the New Heaven. Being and doing in that state is the foundation of the New Earth. It is happening now, and it is happening through you!


A wave of awakening is finally breaking into the mass consciousness that has been building for decades. As a planet, we are awakening from the dream of separation and learning to let go of victim consciousness as we take greater responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and beliefs and how they create what we experience as our “reality.”

Within the last few years, the Law of Attraction has reached the attention of millions of people, who also have had a growing interest in awakening from the dream of the ego.

But how do we bridge the gap between getting what we want through the Law of Attraction while not creating greater attachment to the ego? TANTRA is that bridge.

Manifest Your Goals through Dissolving Rather than Strengthening the Ego

Most often when we try to create what we want, we use external action, forcing or cajoling our conscious thinking to align with our intent using the force of personal will (ego). We affirm, or visualize what we want without letting go of the thoughts and feelings to the contrary, so we end up sometimes succeeding, and sometimes succeeding only in creating more suffering for ourselves and those around us.

One of the cornerstones of TANTRA is that it can free you to attract all that you desire. We have always done this in a very unique way by helping people to manifest their goals through dissolving rather than strengthening the ego. Rather than trying to want our goals more and force ourselves to think and feel a certain way, with TANTRA we create what we want by lletting go of our imaginary sense of limitation, our incessant need for more, our desire for the goal, and our attachments and aversions to the goal – in short, ego itself. By creating through letting go of every goal, we also support ourselves in awakening.

Manifesting in this manner has a surprisingly wonderful result. Not only do we tip the scales in the direction of creating what we choose, but also we feel better and better along the way as we become less and less attached.

As we let go, our mind naturally gets quieter and the remaining thoughts naturally get more positive without effort. This is because we are being motivated from our own intuitive knowingness instead of surface ego desires. We also uncover and feel a greater sense of aliveness, presence and spaciousness inside.

As we continue to let go, our goals may naturally change, evolving from goals we feel we “must” or “should” achieve – goals we have based on what we believe our parents, spouse, peers, friends, coworkers, boss or society want from us – to ones that are actually a part of our true life purpose. We also naturally gravitate from win-lose to win-win. As we continue to let go, we are attracted to the goals and actions that are for our own highest and best good, and for the highest and best good for everyone – including the planet as a whole.

I call this “hootlessness.” I coined that phrase because what we release about our goals until we “do not give a hoot” whether we achieve them or not. Hootlessness is true acceptance, and this is the most powerful place from which to create. It is also a way for you to support your awakening as you pursue your goals.

So, whether you are a fan of "The Secret" or "A New Earth," or you haven't read either . . . whether you simply want to attract to you all that you choose, or you are interested in joining the great wave of awakening occurring right now on the planet by waking up to the presence of awareness that you already are, my TANTRIC practice will support you all the way.